This week was another great one! It's starting to kick in that I'm actually finishing....and I don't know how I feel about it. I'm excited to see my family (especially my mum), but other than that I feel like I'd rather keep being a missionary. Living in a foreign country, devoting your life to serving others, and meeting new people everyday is such a great way to live! Missionary work is wonderful and being a missionary is the best! I'll try to hold off on stories these last two weeks so I'll have things to talk about when I get home!! But here's some pictures! :)
Two weeks!
Elder Bourne, Elder Macfarlane, Elder Carter and Elder Boswell
Green Valley missionaries
Elder Macfarlane, Sister Atkinson, Sister Salts, Elder Harvey
The four missionaries dying in Liverpool Zone
(Missionary lingo for "Going home")
Our Tongan speaking sisters, Sister Rollins and Sister Sofaele
Elder Togia and Elder Macfarlane
Liverpool Zone elders
Elder Carter, Elder Macfarlane,
Elder Faimasasa and Elder Togia
Finding people to teach on the train, with Elder Harvey