This week has been good. We're really working hard to try and find new people to teach. We ride the trains for a couple hours most days for the purpose of talking to people and trying to find people to share the gospel with. We've had a few cool experiences where we meet someone who is super nice to talk to about religion, but no one has accepted to meet with us to really learn more yet. But we will keep searching! I know the Lord is preparing people all over the world to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and it's my job to go and find them! We try to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost on where to go and who to talk to as much as possible. Even on days when we don't get anyone interested in talking about Christ, we still meet heaps of great people everyday and are hopefully planting a seed for them that one day can grow into a true love for our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I'm continuing to learn about the new area I'm in, Mortdale, with my new companion Elder Anderson. It's been tough since there wasn't a whole lot going for the area before we came in, but it is definitely improving. Elder Anderson is the man and doing a great job training me as a zone leader, or at least I think he's doing well... I don't really have anyone to compare him to. But regardless, he's the man! :) He has a great attitude for doing missionary work and I'm learning so much from him. Hopefully we'll be companions for a while so he can keep teaching me how to be a better missionary!
Actually, being a zone leader is a pretty cool calling. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's one of the "highest" callings as a missionary. I want to be careful saying "highest" because I'm no better than any of the other missionaries serving right now, I'm just put in charge, along with my companion, of about 20 missionaries in our Zone and are given a few more responsibilities. There are about 16 Zone Leaders in the Australia Sydney South Mission, which has 210 missionaries or something close to that. It's really just a great opportunity for me to serve the missionaries that I get the priviledge to serve around.
This upcoming week is General Conference! Well actually it was last weekend, but Australia is about a day off so we watch it the following week. General Conference is a super cool opportunity where the prophet, Thomas S. Monson, as well as the other leaders of the church speak to the entire world about various topics. I love general conference because it's a great opportunity for us to find out if there really is a prophet of God on the earth today. You can just feel the truth of the words that these men speak about Jesus Christ and his gospel. If you are able, you should absolutely watch it! Most of you reading this are in America so it's already been broadcasted, however you can go online and watch it on anytime you want! :) There will be talks given about topics like Faith, Repentence, Baptism, the Holy Ghost, Enduring to the End, Family History work, Families can be together for ever, and much more!
This is my invitation for everyone this week! Go and watch AT LEAST one talk from general conference this week. There are about 10 hours of talks you can choose from. I promise you that it can help you improve you life if you listen and apply what you learn. I haven't gotten the chance to watch one yet, but I'll let you know how it was next week in my letter and maybe talk about some highlights :)
I love you all, have a great week!
Elder Macfarlane

Nick and the senior missionaries that headed home, The McAra's
His roommates, Elder Roberts and Elder White
Nick's new companion, Elder Anderson, from Canada
Nick was born in Florida and grew up in Minnesota-love the signs!