Friday, October 18, 2013
Hello everyone! It's been one week out here at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah and I'm loving it! I have learned so much here about the gospel and about myself! I have been working hard and getting a lot out of this experience! I hope everyone is doing well wherever you might be and loving life, because I know I sure am! :) I leave for Australia Sunday night!! It's an 18 hour flight... :o And we're stopping in Hong Kong on the way!! At least I will have a lot of time to study and sleep (: So where do I start? The first few days at the MTC were really difficult getting used to this new lifestyle. Getting up at 6am and not stopping until 10:30pm everyday is hard. Plus I reached for my phone about 20 times to quickly find nothing and realizing that I don't have a phone anymore! It's an amazing experience to give your life to God 24/7. My mind has been blown so many times during class it's absolutely incredible. We have 6 hours of classes everyday and the teachers are amazing! They are all returned missionaries, most going to school at BYU, and seem to know everything you could possibly want or need when it comes to spiritual topics! My testimony in this church has grown a tremendous amount and I love not focusing on myself, EVER! I love you all so very much and I hope everyone is making good decisions! (; If you are debating on whether or not to go on a mission, DO IT. I can promise you that you will not regret it! I have made friends from all over the world, all with different stories and backgrounds, and we are all able to come together to serve our Lord, Jesus Christ. I love serving others! In the Book of Mormon, Mosiah 2:17 says something to the effect of "when you are in the service of your fellow man, you are in the service of your God." I love that scripture because it's challenges us to serve others and to love them! When we serve others, we are truly serving God because that is what He wants. Following God's will is so important. I know when we do this we will be happy!
If anyone is interested in learning about the LDS church or just see how it's going, I would love to talk! Send me an email at anytime! I only have an hour a week to reply so I won't be able to reply right away, but I WILL reply (: I love you all very much. I have a testimony that God lives, that He loves us more than we could ever imagine. He sent his son, Jesus Christ to atone for our sins and ultimately allow us to return to Him. We were sent here on earth to live a life where we can be tried and tested. I know if we follow the commandments given by our Heavenly Father, we will be able to live with Him again. I love this church, I love this gospel, I love my family, and I love all of you! I know it may seem crazy to some that I'm leaving for two years, but think of it this way. I am giving two years of my life to the Lord. I will do whatever He wants or needs me to do. He has given me my life, so I can bless the lives of others, and that's exactly what I plan to do.
I love you all,
Elder Macfarlane
Hello everyone! It's been one week out here at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah and I'm loving it! I have learned so much here about the gospel and about myself! I have been working hard and getting a lot out of this experience! I hope everyone is doing well wherever you might be and loving life, because I know I sure am! :) I leave for Australia Sunday night!! It's an 18 hour flight... :o And we're stopping in Hong Kong on the way!! At least I will have a lot of time to study and sleep (: So where do I start? The first few days at the MTC were really difficult getting used to this new lifestyle. Getting up at 6am and not stopping until 10:30pm everyday is hard. Plus I reached for my phone about 20 times to quickly find nothing and realizing that I don't have a phone anymore! It's an amazing experience to give your life to God 24/7. My mind has been blown so many times during class it's absolutely incredible. We have 6 hours of classes everyday and the teachers are amazing! They are all returned missionaries, most going to school at BYU, and seem to know everything you could possibly want or need when it comes to spiritual topics! My testimony in this church has grown a tremendous amount and I love not focusing on myself, EVER! I love you all so very much and I hope everyone is making good decisions! (; If you are debating on whether or not to go on a mission, DO IT. I can promise you that you will not regret it! I have made friends from all over the world, all with different stories and backgrounds, and we are all able to come together to serve our Lord, Jesus Christ. I love serving others! In the Book of Mormon, Mosiah 2:17 says something to the effect of "when you are in the service of your fellow man, you are in the service of your God." I love that scripture because it's challenges us to serve others and to love them! When we serve others, we are truly serving God because that is what He wants. Following God's will is so important. I know when we do this we will be happy!
If anyone is interested in learning about the LDS church or just see how it's going, I would love to talk! Send me an email at anytime! I only have an hour a week to reply so I won't be able to reply right away, but I WILL reply (: I love you all very much. I have a testimony that God lives, that He loves us more than we could ever imagine. He sent his son, Jesus Christ to atone for our sins and ultimately allow us to return to Him. We were sent here on earth to live a life where we can be tried and tested. I know if we follow the commandments given by our Heavenly Father, we will be able to live with Him again. I love this church, I love this gospel, I love my family, and I love all of you! I know it may seem crazy to some that I'm leaving for two years, but think of it this way. I am giving two years of my life to the Lord. I will do whatever He wants or needs me to do. He has given me my life, so I can bless the lives of others, and that's exactly what I plan to do.
I love you all,
Elder Macfarlane

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