These last few weeks have brought a lot of new changes! Well not really, just the fact that I no longer have Elder Coats as my companion!!! Transfers were this last week which brings the possibility of one or both of us getting moved to a new area and Elder Coats got chosen to move on. I'm luckily still in Narooma and I'm training a new missionary from Illinois. His name is Elder Detton. He served in Salt Lake for his first 6 weeks while waiting for his VISA and now I'm finishing up his training (training lasts for 12 weeks).
While waiting for Elder Detton to fly in, I was temporarily assigned to serve in Liverpool for a few days. The second day in Liverpool was P-day so basically it was our "day-off." That was hands down the best P-day of my mission! We started off the day waking up early and going to the park to play footie (Rugby) and it was super fun! We went to AMF around lunch time and went bowling, played laser-tag, and dominated pool. Not only did we do all that fun stuff, but there was probably about 15 missionaries there all hanging out together! That doesn't happen down in Narooma! Elder Detton and I are the only two LDS missionaries within 2 hours of Narooma! It was a great time (:
Now we're back in Narooma and it's been a pretty good first week working together. I had to get certified by the AP's (Assistant to the President) so I could legally drive. It's been quite the adventure driving on the opposite side of the road, on the opposite side of the car! I've learned pretty quick and now I'm used to it, it was just an interesting first day or two! Elder Detton is bonding with members and I think they like him, he's a pretty outgoing kid so that helps. He's got big shoes to fill from Elder Coats but I think he'll do great. That's really all we've done so far this week, just introduced Elder Detton to the new members and showed him around beautiful Narooma. This week we're gonna really try to find people to teach! We'll see what happens I guess (:
While out on my mission I've learned a lot of things. I've learned how to take care of myself, I've learned how to manage my time so I don't sit around wasting day light everyday, I've learned how to better study and understand the scriptures, but I think that one of the most important things I've learned is how to have Christ-like love. When I say "Christ-like love" what comes to mind? The love the Christ has for us because we are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father? Or maybe the love that He has in the sense of performing the Atonement for us and allowing us, imperfect people, to be forgiven of our sins and have the opportunity to live with him again? Well both of those things are great and I am so thankful for both of those things, but what I'm talking about is a little different. To have the Christ-like love that I'm talking about, I need to be able to love everyone no matter what. It doesn't matter if they are hardcore alcoholics, have the worst potty mouth I've ever heard, or even if they absolutely hate me, I will be able to see past that and love them the same way Christ does. Obviously I'm not perfect at doing that, but I have become much better at it and I've really been able to see a change in myself and my attitude. I challenge all who is reading this to do what you can to make that change in your life. Learn to forgive others for what they've done in the past and love them for the wonderful child of God that both you and they are. I can promise you that when you do this, you will become a much happier person and be able to have a much happier life.
Now we're back in Narooma and it's been a pretty good first week working together. I had to get certified by the AP's (Assistant to the President) so I could legally drive. It's been quite the adventure driving on the opposite side of the road, on the opposite side of the car! I've learned pretty quick and now I'm used to it, it was just an interesting first day or two! Elder Detton is bonding with members and I think they like him, he's a pretty outgoing kid so that helps. He's got big shoes to fill from Elder Coats but I think he'll do great. That's really all we've done so far this week, just introduced Elder Detton to the new members and showed him around beautiful Narooma. This week we're gonna really try to find people to teach! We'll see what happens I guess (:
While out on my mission I've learned a lot of things. I've learned how to take care of myself, I've learned how to manage my time so I don't sit around wasting day light everyday, I've learned how to better study and understand the scriptures, but I think that one of the most important things I've learned is how to have Christ-like love. When I say "Christ-like love" what comes to mind? The love the Christ has for us because we are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father? Or maybe the love that He has in the sense of performing the Atonement for us and allowing us, imperfect people, to be forgiven of our sins and have the opportunity to live with him again? Well both of those things are great and I am so thankful for both of those things, but what I'm talking about is a little different. To have the Christ-like love that I'm talking about, I need to be able to love everyone no matter what. It doesn't matter if they are hardcore alcoholics, have the worst potty mouth I've ever heard, or even if they absolutely hate me, I will be able to see past that and love them the same way Christ does. Obviously I'm not perfect at doing that, but I have become much better at it and I've really been able to see a change in myself and my attitude. I challenge all who is reading this to do what you can to make that change in your life. Learn to forgive others for what they've done in the past and love them for the wonderful child of God that both you and they are. I can promise you that when you do this, you will become a much happier person and be able to have a much happier life.
I love you all very much and I'm thankful for the opportunity that I've been able to have serving the Lord in Australia. I miss you all and can't wait to come home in 20.5 months and reunite with friends and family. But know this, I wouldn't be doing this, I wouldn't be away from family and friends, with no connection but emails once a week, on the other side of the world, if I didn't know that this church was true. God lives, Jesus Christ came to this earth and Atoned for our sins so we could repent and be forgiven of those sins and have the opportunity to live with Him again. Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us and wants the best for us. Have faith in Him and allow yourself to come closer to Christ. You will see the blessings that come into your life when you do. It just takes a simple leap of faith.
I love you all!
Elder Macfarlane
I love you all!
Elder Macfarlane

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