G'day mates! I hope America is treating everyone well! :) Australia is going great! Last week for P-day, we played volleyball in Prairiewood with about 20 other missionaries! It was super fun and I got to see some good old friends! :) This week I've made a big step in life... I can now cut hair! The Elders here all agreed that we didn't want to spend money on getting haircuts, but none of us knew how to cut hair well. Sooooo I decided to buy a set of hair clippers and started cutting their hair. I figured it out pretty quick, cutting guys' hair isn't too difficult. Plus I live with with a full Samoan, half Samoan half Mauri (New Zealand), and one from Hong Kong, plus myself. So I have cut pretty much every type of hair... I'm pretty much a pro now. I figured that's a good skill to have for the rest of my life too so why not? :)
One of the most exciting things that has happened this week is that one of investigators, Mereana, is getting baptized! She has been taught almost everything she needs to know before baptism and she is super excited to continue learning. She's getting baptized June 21st and I can't wait! She is an incredible example to me of someone who truly loves God. She doesn't just believe the church is true because we tell her, she believes because she followed the challenge in Moroni 10:4-5 in the Book of Mormon and found out for herself, through prayer. I am so proud of her and hope to be here in Bankstown a long time so I can see her continue to progress in the gospel and continually become more Christ-like.
One of the most exciting things that has happened this week is that one of investigators, Mereana, is getting baptized! She has been taught almost everything she needs to know before baptism and she is super excited to continue learning. She's getting baptized June 21st and I can't wait! She is an incredible example to me of someone who truly loves God. She doesn't just believe the church is true because we tell her, she believes because she followed the challenge in Moroni 10:4-5 in the Book of Mormon and found out for herself, through prayer. I am so proud of her and hope to be here in Bankstown a long time so I can see her continue to progress in the gospel and continually become more Christ-like.
Yesterday was a great day! Church was fantastic, very uplifting! Plus we had a YSA (Young Single Adult) fireside and it was amazing! The topic was missionary work and how to be a good example to those around you. Bishop Tufuga asked all us missionaries in the ward to talk for about a minute on some of the blessings we've seen from serving a mission. I talked for probably 5 minutes about all the incredible blessings I've seen and been apart of during these last 8 months. The spirit was so strong that night, I started crying multiple times... It was just so good! Also they asked the missionaries in the ward to sing "The Spirit of God" and we did really well! We have two sister missionaries in the ward and one played piano while the other played violin and 6 elders sang. It was really good :)
I would like to end this letter with my testimony of this wonderful church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know this is the true church of God. I am so grateful to be able to have this in my life and to have the opportunity right now to share it with the world! I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I strive everyday to become more like him. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ. I have been able to see the change it can make it people's lives, always for the better. I challenge all of you to read the Book of Mormon and when you do I can promise you, if you pray with real intent to know if it's true, you will get a good, burning feeling inside and will know it is true. I love the Book of Mormon and reading it everyday has helped me become such a better person!
I love you all very much! Have a great week!
Elder Macfarlane
I would like to end this letter with my testimony of this wonderful church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know this is the true church of God. I am so grateful to be able to have this in my life and to have the opportunity right now to share it with the world! I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I strive everyday to become more like him. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ. I have been able to see the change it can make it people's lives, always for the better. I challenge all of you to read the Book of Mormon and when you do I can promise you, if you pray with real intent to know if it's true, you will get a good, burning feeling inside and will know it is true. I love the Book of Mormon and reading it everyday has helped me become such a better person!
I love you all very much! Have a great week!
Elder Macfarlane

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