Elder Macfarlane
Sydney, Australia

Monday, September 29, 2014
I'm in a new area, Mortdale, with my new companion Elder Anderson (who is the man!) and I'm loving life :) We've got a few pretty good investigators that we're working with and found some really great potentials. Oh, that's what I should tell you about. So we had a crazy miracle this week. Earlier during the week, Elder Anderson and I weren't feeling too well so we decided to stay home and take a quick nap and hope the pain goes away. Elder Anderson was downstairs laying on the couch and heard a knock at the door. He answered it and met a man named Steve. Steve thought our flat was for rent so he was asking about it, we informed him that unfortunately it's not for rent. He turned away to leave and then turns back around and asks "so what exactly do you do anyway?" We told him that we're missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and teach about Jesus Christ and the gospel. He says, "Man, I could really use some of that in my life..." then told us about some problems he's going through. What?! I didn't know what to say, I was genuinely in shock. Now just to clarify, I wasn't in shock because he understood the need for Christ in his life, I was in shock because he came to US! He knocked on OUR door. HE asked to know more. We did literally nothing except answer the door. He was prepared by God to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ and I'm super excited to teach him and help turn his life around. Also, shortly after that exerience, both Elder Anderson and I didn't feel sick anymore... Christ led us to make sure we were at the right place at the right time. And that just so happened to mean staying in the flat a little while longer! I love being a missionary :)
Elder Macfarlane
Elder Macfarlane
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