This past week was filled with miracles, especially these last few days! I'll just share a couple experiences we had. So the first is with a man named Steve. Steve knocked on our door about a month ago on accident and we started talking about what we do as missionaries. He said that he could really use some religion in his life right now and so we exchanged contact information and that was it. We were unable to set an appointment with him since that day. He was always busy or we already had an appointment. But finally, last Saturday, one of our appointments fell through and so we decided to call up Steve. He said for us to come over right that instant. So we accepted and drove over to his place and found out he was going through an extremely hard time and feeling very depressed. We shared the message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he is already more optimistic about life. By no means is he back to his regular self yet, but it amazes me how much someone can change and improve by simply learning of God's love and plan for His children. Steve also accepted becoming baptized when he receives an answer to his prayers to know if this is truely the church of Jesus Christ. So happy for him :)
Another miracle from this past week was also on Saturday, later in the day. We went to go visit some potential investigators that past missionaries had met and said we should go visit. We went to visit a woman named Maria, but when we got there she wasn't home. But the daughter's boyfriend came out and said "hey Elders!" When someone calls us Elders we get excited because that means they know who we are. Turns out this man is a less-active member from Queensland (another state in Australia) and just moved in with his girlfriend's family a few weeks ago. We talked with him for about 20 minutes then went inside briefly and visited with his girlfriend, Lemily. They are half Samoan, half Cook Island and I know a little Samoan so I was able to briefly bond by speaking their language with them. We taught about prophets and how we have a prophet on the earth today, who's name is Thomas S. Monson. We invited Lemily to continue meeting with us so she can learn more and she accepted. Also Christian (the less-active boyfriend) said he'd come to church next week and bring some of his girlfriend's family. I'm super excited to see the progression of this family in coming closer to their Savior, Jesus Christ.
I love being a missionary :)
Elder Macfarlane

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