Sydney, Australia

Sydney, Australia

Monday, July 20, 2015

Hello hello!

This week has been hectic! I've been transferred out of the Samoan ward and into the English ward, but still covering the same boundaries. I am in Green Valley ward, which is great because there's still heaps of islanders that I can speak to in their native language. 

It's been difficult because I'm entering a ward that had three of it's four missionaries finish their mission last week so they were very "trunky," or in other wards, lazy and ready to go home. So my new companion, Elder Carter, and I have began working from almost nothing besides a few names on a piece of paper that the previous missionaries said "could have potential." 

My companion, Elder Carter, is from Morgan, Utah. He's a bit taller than me, but not as twiggy as I. He goes home the same day as I do so we both are currently pushing each other to not get trunky and keep working hard. He's a very fun companion to be with and we are able to smash the area, but still have a great time in the process.

I'm not sure if I have already told you this or not, but I am District Leader again. My district is quite large for a district as well. An average district typically will have 8 missionaries in it, but I have 13 in mine. The name of our district is "District Win" because we will smash the areas that we cover and become the best district in the mission by helping save mobs of souls! :)  

We are currently doing a mission-wide "competition," but they say it's not a competition, but it totally is. We are seeing what districts can find the most potential investigators and most new investigators in the mission and the top five to ten districts get their names on the weekly email from our mission president. This past week, my name (since I'm the district leader) made it on the email as being the 5th best district in the mission in potentials and 9th best in overall potentials and new investigators. It's not about being the best, it's about saving souls, but I can't help feeling a bit proud of my district when we work hard and see success as a result.

Love you all, have a great week!!
Elder Macfarlane

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